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Euless, Texas Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers 

Protecting the Rights of the Vulnerable 

Roughly 1.5 million older individuals currently live in nursing homes. For many families, the decision to move a loved one into a nursing home is an agonizing choice they make only after their family member is unable to live independently or has medical needs beyond what they can handle. They trust that the nursing home will provide their vulnerable relative with the same dutiful care and attention they would give them. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always occur. Some nursing home staff take advantage of their positions and use their power to harm the individuals they are supposed to be caring for. The Wolf of Law Street can assist families and victims in fighting back, hold the abuser(s) accountable, and collect the maximum compensation when their loved ones have been injured.

What Are Some Possible Signs of Elder Abuse? 

Some nursing home residents, especially those with Alzheimer’s or dementia, may have a difficult time communicating about abuse to family members. Others may be afraid of retribution or have anxiety about being seen as a “complainer.” This is why it is important for families to be aware of the potential signs of elder abuse so they can protect their loved ones. Some indications of abuse may include:

  • Unusual agitation or outbursts: You may notice your loved one becoming unusually upset, agitated, or loud, especially when staff members are around. 
  • Withdrawal: If a loved one is suddenly quiet and withdrawn, refuses to cooperate, or stops participating in activities they used to enjoy, it may be a warning sign.
  • Unexplained injuries: Bruises, cuts, abrasions, or welts might be visible, or in the worst case, broken bones. These are especially suspicious if there’s no documentation of how they happened and the family was not informed in a timely manner.
  • Frequent illnesses: Stress can increase the likelihood of sickness and make it more difficult for an older person to heal.
  • Changes in weight: Weight loss or gain, or signs of malnutrition such as easy bruising, mouth sores, dental problems, and difficulty healing, can indicate a possible issue.
  • Behavioral changes: If your loved one suddenly begins exhibiting unusual behaviors, such as biting, lashing out, rocking, refusing to be touched, and more, it could be their way of telling you that something is wrong.
  • Symptoms of neglect: Your family member may exhibit bed sores, poor hygiene, dehydration, infections, and serious injuries. In the worst-case scenario, the neglect could lead to wrongful death.

If you notice any of these signs and suspect that your loved one may be suffering from abuse, you can contact a lawyer for a free consultation to help you decide the best course of action to protect them.

Why Should You File a Nursing Home Abuse Claim? 

Aside from the fact that your loved one deserves justice if they have been harmed by nursing home staff whose mandate it is to protect and care for them, your nursing home abuse claim could have other impacts. Nursing homes are held to a certain federal standard of conduct if they receive Medicare or Medicaid funding. This code of conduct states that their residents have the right to be free from verbal, sexual, physical, and mental abuse, corporal punishment, and involuntary seclusion. If the home is not living up to this code of conduct, it should lose its federal funding. During the investigation of your claim, other individuals who have been abused could be brought to light. Holding staff accountable for their wrongdoing could stop the pattern of abuse and protect many individuals from harm.

What Compensation Is Available for Victims of Nursing Home Abuse? 

When a nursing home has betrayed your trust and harmed someone you love, it is difficult to put an amount on that kind of suffering. But a skilled lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve which holds the abusers accountable. Some of the types of compensation that may be awarded include:

  • Medical expenses: If you have medical bills or need ongoing medical treatment due to the abuse you experienced, you could be recompensed for these expenditures.
  • Pain and suffering: If physical pain resulted from the abuse, whether it was short-term or chronic, you deserve to be compensated for what you endured.
  • Mental anguish: Being abused by a person you trusted can cause many kinds of mental distress and trauma, so you may be compensated for this.
  • Punitive damages: If the abusive actions are deemed to be willful or malicious in nature, or if it was a continuing issue for the nursing home involved and they did nothing to stop it, punitive damages may be awarded.
  • Wrongful death damages: If the abuse led to the untimely death of your loved one, you might be awarded these damages.

Why Hire a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer?

In order to hold the nursing home and its staff responsible for the abuse your loved one suffered, you need to build a strong case using the available evidence. Often the victims in nursing home abuse cases are unable to testify to exactly what happened due to their age or conditions. That’s why hiring a lawyer as soon as possible is key. They will begin conducting a thorough investigation and gathering the needed evidence to hold the nursing home accountable. The Wolf of Law Street aims to make absolutely certain that vulnerable adults and the elderly are treated with the respect they deserve. If you believe your loved one has been harmed in a Texas nursing home, we will help you. Contact us today at (972) 573-4532 for a free consultation.

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